AYU: Knowledge at Your Fingertips
How do I size a jet pump? What’s the difference between PSI and inches of water column? When did ball valves come into existence? Where does the pressure reducing valve lie on the northern and southern water service lateral installations?
Telescoping Curb Box - Do More With Less
In reference to an object, telescoping (verb) is the act of sliding or causing to slide into itself, so that the object itself becomes smaller or larger.
Attaching Adjustability to Our Meter Setters
Until recently, adjustability was a word not often used to describe certain water works products.
Flooding the Industry with Innovation
Phones, electricity, transportation, the Internet.
CISBOT: Changing Gas Pipeline Repair Forever
Humanity has an ongoing fear that the Robot Apocalypse is fast approaching.
Why is Forecasting Important?
Forecasting is the act of predicting or estimating a customer’s needs over a period of time.
Traceability: New Times, New Technology
The future is here and it’s tagged with improvements.